03 March 2008

A case of the monday's

As Meghan so importantly pointed out to me today, this time last year we were in Venice celebrating Linda's birthday, and our all around Italian-ness. Now instead.... I'm in New Brunswick. ugh.

Anyway, this weekend was a mixture of things that are good, and things that are bad.

Good things:

Penelope. Erin and I went on friday night. I laughed, I cried, I wished James McAvoy was my boyfriend. It was adorable, and Christina Ricci is better looking than me even when she looks like a pig. great.


Other good things:
Sean's Baptism. He was cute, but I still can't stand going to Church.


Bad things:

Anne and Rick + kids leave for Zurich next week. I've been talking about this forever and now its finally here. I should hurry up and by my ticket so I can go visit (the inital reason for creating this blog). I'm sad not to have her around until May. boo.

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