First, Miller already veto'd my pleas to be in his fantasy league. His argument? "What do chicks know about fantasy baseball?" Not only has he just set the women's liberation movement back thirty years, but he also pist me off. To test my skills he waited until after a few drinks to have me rattle off the depth chart of Phillies - pitting me up against a sober Yankees fan. False. Regardless, now I'm in the market for a fantasy league of my own, and no one wants to play with girls... even me.
Second, my early season choices for Phillie's homegames are as follows:
3/29 vs Blue Jays
4/19 vs Mets
5/4 vs San Fran.
Finally, now that I've befriended the older gentleman, kindly known as "Phil", in the office, I now have someone to watch Rutgers Baseball games with. Good news, because I always feel like a total creep sitting over there solo. Now, if i can only get some company for the softball game v. Drexel on the 27th, we'd be golden.
And in totally unrelated thoughts. How sad was I when Rami lost last night on Project Runway? Oh, Heidi, you can be so cold. And now, an homage - for casey balint.

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