11 April 2008

Terrible News

Frankly, I'm ashamed at just how lax I've become with this blog. But, I'm not being lazy, I've been getting the RU Screw from Rutgers for the last week and it's taking all of my energy just to figure out if I am, in fact, graduating. But, why bore you with the details? Regardless if whether or not one little math class (or three) is going to ruin my academic life I've got Phillie's tickets for Sunday, so I'm not going to worry about it right now.

Any way, my sister's been extra lonely over there in Zurich; she hasn't left our facebook scrabulous game in hours, just sitting there, trying to beat me with words like "ZITI". too bad i triple word scored her ass with, "TRIAGES". I digress. The following Eddie Izzard clip is her favorite, and so its for her <3.

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