27 May 2008

je vais vomir, i mean, mourir

we're back. those were the fastest six days of my life. of course there will be a million pictures and anecdotes to follow but for now - the top five things i learned about taking a three year old on roman holiday

1. pack snacks - lots of them
2. you can bring the "naughty spot" to st. peter's if you have to
3. they don't care about bernini's fountains...at all.
4. pizza is an acceptable dinner, for six straight days
5. they puke... after the turbulence.

ps. everyone cried in florence except for me. i'm the crier. wtf.


E-Dubs said...

i didn't cry in florence! oh wait, yes i had emotions on the steps of the duomo.

Rick Longstreet said...

I don't remember shedding any tears in florence... or maybe you meant everyone that means everyone excluding me. "nice" :)