11 May 2008

Procrastination Party

Well, I'm still a few pages from the finish but I've been on a total procrastination party because I just can not focus. In the past twenty four hours I have:

- moved out of my apartment early because I couldn't sit still
- gone through my entire wardrobe and donated bags upon bags to the veterans
- cleaned the upstairs bathroom of my parent's house
- purchased a backpacking pack, returned it, and bought another
- arranged my shoes by order of height and price, never color
- seen two movies
- downloaded a plethora of indie-bands I had never heard of, and revisited some old favs
-went to Newtown, saw my Juh and finally met her new boyfriend

and now in a final attempt to stave off writing for a few more minutes I'm sharing some pictures from Megan's "thank-god-grad-school's-done-lets-black-out-and-forget-everything-i-learned" party last week.



and now, the finer points of Niebuhr, Rauschenbusch, Ramesy and King. Shoot me.

1 comment:

Jamie Lovely said...

I love rediscovering music I once loved!