13 June 2008

The Wonders of International Flight

Yes, it's true. I'm home. Back to my real life, my job on Monday, moving tomorrow. etc. But I like to think of today as my purgatory day - the day between Europe and New Brunswick. Clearly there are lots of Swiss reflections to get to, but I just woke up in my mom's house after sleeping off my jet lag and I'd like to blog about morning sun. I get the absolute best morning sun in my room on Briner Lane. I was the last person to inherit this room. When I was growing up my Nonna lived in it. When I was in high school it was my sister's room. Finally, I weaseled my way in here and I will tell you - it makes coming home to the often chaotic Hamilton Sq, a pleasure. Oh, it also gets really beautiful late evening sun. I guess you have to be here to get it. Regardless, I guess its not so bad being back.

Also -

Dear Anne,
I miss you too. I don't, however, enjoy 3am text messages about play group. Actually, they were cute. I lied.
Love you

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