19 February 2008

Finally, a tan


In less than a month I will be in Rio, and you will be jealous. As far as spring breaks in the past I've been to New Jersey and Scotland - neither of these places afforded me tans or drinks with umbrellas in them. Barcelona last year was nice, but still not hot enough for me to lay on a beach or aquire any real sunburn. Usually I'm stuck at home working to pay off some insane credit card bill, or something lame like that. I can't reallllly complain because I spent a semester abroad last year - but I'll do it anyway. I want sun. I was sand. I want clear water, rainforests, drinks in coconuts, and locals who do not speak english.
March is a notoriously persnickity month in New Jersey, so with in-like-a-lion looking like the case, I've been gearing up for my trip by purchasing Yankee Candles that supposidly smell like sunscreen and playing ocean sounds while I sleep - kid you not. Whats most disappointing about my trip? I'll be missing more than a few home Rutgers Baseball games - Phil, you'll have to forgive me. I'll make it up to you - we'll watch softball in April, and I won't even complain during LAX games anymore, I swear.
Where am I going after Rio, you ask? Zurich in May - for as long as it will have me, with detours in FLORENCE, Rome, and anywhere else my sister feels like visiting by over-night train. Don't mind if I do.

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