01 June 2008

Roaming Gnomes

We checked out the Rheinfalls and the german border yesterday. They were like woah. Normally I'm not all "yee haw crunchy granola lets get dirty woooo" but I'm starting to come around. This morning my cousin Caroline came in from Washington - she's never been across the pond so she's staying with Anne and Rick for a few weeks? months? who knows - on her first Euroadventure.

Alanna and Erin moved into our new place today in New Brunswick so I'm a little sad not to be there - which I wasn't expecting. It was really hard to be in Florence without Alanna so I'm really excited to be living with her - in our delinquent fifth year. No judgements, thanks.

I'm off now to score some cake before my dessert-obsessed sister goes to town. I'll never figure out how she can partake in cake and yet her size 0's are forever falling off of her - damn you, switzerland.

up hill again? f'real?

falls, so hot right now.

it was damp. my hair got huge, per the usual.

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