02 July 2008


I wish there were more to say. I'm averaging 10 hours a day at the pool monday through thursday (for now) which is good for my back account (I hope, I've yet to be paid) and terrible for my social life. It is not to say that all my swimming buddies aren't very sweet and funny and dreadlocked (yes) but mostly my days are as follows:

wake up - 8.30 : not terribly bad, surely I've woken much earlier for previous gigs, but it gets better
9:45-1:30 (in general): first shift of lessons, ranging from preschoolers ("blow bubbles everybody!") to eight year olds ("kick, kick, head in the waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaater!") By now, my voice is starting to get iffy.

1:30-2:30: camp. 40 preschoolers from the near by orthodox jewish day camp come by for "free swim" which means clinging on to the backs of the four instructors (welcome to the joys of being under staffed).

3 - 7:45: more lessons, ranging age groups. By 5pm my voice is GONE and none of the little boys listen to me. I pretty much just hand them kick boards and let them go.

8:30-10pm: women's only lessons. The ladies are really sweet and really terrified of the water, so its like teaching really tall preschoolers.

Bed by 11 because I've been treading water all day (maybe this will keep me thin?), wake up and do it again. Sigh.

1 comment:

Anne said...

I wish I could spend all day in the water. It's ok..I'm blogging enough for the both of us.