07 October 2008


The day had come, I thought, to rid of myself of my ever lingering tie to Myspace.com. I have been considering this for years - since the Facebook phenomenon exploded all over my FireFox. Since Rupert Murdoch paid 580 million dollars for Tom's pet project in July - and since Fox News always leaves a sour taste in my mouth, I reckoned that Myspace would survive without me.

Alas, it is not to be. Apparently, Tom owns me. Since creating my account, oh, about seven years ago my email addresses have obviously changed - a lot. Since I am no longer Allypanic@optonline.net Tom says I can not deactivate my account. I am doomed to be on Myspace for the rest of eternity. This is what you get for giving out personal information at the drop of a hat. Networking is not the new black.

What can I do?!

1 comment:

Anne said...

use your myspace account to slam tom and murdoch. be a myspace one woman protest.