29 February 2008
The Death of Hip Hop
I came across this first video today on sportsillustrated.com, also know as "where I spend most of my time while at work" - and it prompted me to consider the phenomenon that is Solja Boy, and why it is that white people of all ages think it's okay to bust the dance out where ever they want (I'm talking about YOU, erin at the bus stop last semester). People, it's just making you look ridiculous. Don't say you haven't been warned.
I'm begging you, stop.
I'm begging you, stop.
28 February 2008
800 Club
With her win Wednesday night against DePaul, C. Vivan is now among the elite - one of three female coaches, and the first african american coach, to make it to the 800 Club. Good job, coach.

Jim O'Connor / NJ Sports Pics
And now for something completely off topic
Casey sent this to me yesterday - and because she's in Italy and I miss her, it's getting posted. This is particularly hilarious because this little girl looks freakishly like my sister - who happens to LOVE star wars
And now for something completely off topic
Casey sent this to me yesterday - and because she's in Italy and I miss her, it's getting posted. This is particularly hilarious because this little girl looks freakishly like my sister - who happens to LOVE star wars
27 February 2008
patience, its a virtue
I am withholding today's blog in honour of the (upcoming!) 800th win for Coach C. Vivian Stringer tonight at the RAC. stay tuned.
26 February 2008
The Big Day
Yesterday was a big day for Rutgers football; the 2008 schedule was released (sort of). I've long been a critic of the padded schedule - since the days of high school softball, but that's a different story all together. Anyway, this year it seems Rutgers is maintaining the status quo of mediocre non-conference games, both home and away. What good is winning if we're beating Norfolk State 59 -0? With that said, my only hope is that we're holding out for something enticing - possibly a three or four year commitment - with that looming TBA spot in September.
2008 Rutgers Football Schedule
Sat., August 30 Howard
Sat., Sept. 6 BYE
Thurs., Sept. 11 North Carolina (ESPN)
Sat., Sept. 20 at Navy (CBS College Sports Network)
Sat., Sept. 27 TBA
Sat., Oct. 4 at West Virginia*
Sat., Oct. 11 at Cincinnati*
Sat., Oct. 18 Connecticut*
Sat., Oct. 25 at Pittsburgh*
Sat., Nov. 1 BYE
Sat., Nov. 8 Syracuse*
Sat., Nov. 15 at USF*
Sat., Nov. 22 Army
Sat., Nov. 29 BYE
Thurs., Dec. 4 Louisville * (ESPN)
25 February 2008
Last night I dinnered at Caraba's with Alanna, Amanda, and Alanna's sister, Erica. The point is, after dinner I had a cup of coffee and like the grandma I am, was unable to sleep. Good for me, because I ended up watching the Oscars (pretty much in its entirety, don't judge me) and I have to say, wasn't nauseated to the point of death. In fact, when Daniel Day Lewis walked away with the little-guy for best actor I died a little bit inside. All of you who know me are SHOCKED that I wasn't freaking out because J Depp missed an Oscar for the umpteenth time (and inside I totally was). But DDL is a genius. I can't think of a role I DIDN'T love him in. And I'm even reading Sinclair's OIL! in appreciation for the greatness that was Daniel Plainfield.
And now, and ode to DDL in all this greatness.

And now, and ode to DDL in all this greatness.

24 February 2008
Snowed In

Ian MacAllen
Really, coming down with the death couldn't have come at a better time. Friday morning we in New Brunswick NJ woke up to about a million feet of snow (see also: 6 inches), enough to cancel classes (which means hell itself froze over) but not enough to close the rutgers ticket office. So, Tylenol Cold and Sinus in hand, I dug my way out of Hale St and motored on over to work - which took about half an hour to get five miles. cute. So I'm sick. I'm cranky. I'm in an all around miserable state of being when Bob Mulchay must have sensed this, closed work early, and allowed me to venture back through blizzard conditions in hopes I'd make it to my bed, and later than night Saves The Day, safely. Sadly, only one of those materialized. I took a six hour nap only to realized the show was sold out and was resigned to a less-than-intense game of Taboo with the North Brunswick kids. As far as my friday went - good thing I was in bad health.
Also, I'd be remiss if I didn't mention the lasting greatness that is Pandora Radio - its the only way I can get through work without freaking out on some poor family just trying to secure some basketball tickets for their 12 year old son's birthday. sigh. Thanks, once again, Maxwell.
22 February 2008
The Death
I have the plague. Watch this, and forgive me for not writing.
Check out this video: Miss Piggy: A Hog’s Struggle
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Check out this video: Miss Piggy: A Hog’s Struggle
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19 February 2008
Finally, a tan
In less than a month I will be in Rio, and you will be jealous. As far as spring breaks in the past I've been to New Jersey and Scotland - neither of these places afforded me tans or drinks with umbrellas in them. Barcelona last year was nice, but still not hot enough for me to lay on a beach or aquire any real sunburn. Usually I'm stuck at home working to pay off some insane credit card bill, or something lame like that. I can't reallllly complain because I spent a semester abroad last year - but I'll do it anyway. I want sun. I was sand. I want clear water, rainforests, drinks in coconuts, and locals who do not speak english.
March is a notoriously persnickity month in New Jersey, so with in-like-a-lion looking like the case, I've been gearing up for my trip by purchasing Yankee Candles that supposidly smell like sunscreen and playing ocean sounds while I sleep - kid you not. Whats most disappointing about my trip? I'll be missing more than a few home Rutgers Baseball games - Phil, you'll have to forgive me. I'll make it up to you - we'll watch softball in April, and I won't even complain during LAX games anymore, I swear.
Where am I going after Rio, you ask? Zurich in May - for as long as it will have me, with detours in FLORENCE, Rome, and anywhere else my sister feels like visiting by over-night train. Don't mind if I do.
18 February 2008
The 'Lon
Days like today are good for lots of things. Its unseasonably warm, its unseasonably sunny. Its great. But everytime I get one of these days I always find myself thinking about Elon. So, here are the top five things I miss about Burlington, North Carolina
1. The Swans.
I miss laying in Robin's bed. Bootcamp with Moo. Hoagie Haven with KP. DDR with Liz. Hangover breakfests in Harden with Dianne and Maddie.
2. Laying out by the Staley Pond....in April.
Flip flops all year 'round. Tank tops in december
3. Christmas lights in JC
a ghetto has never looked so glorious
4. Leaving the bar to pee in my trailer
You have never seen a double wide quite as beautiful as Brown House
5. My Juh
I miss seeing her everyday and speaking jibberish.

1. The Swans.
I miss laying in Robin's bed. Bootcamp with Moo. Hoagie Haven with KP. DDR with Liz. Hangover breakfests in Harden with Dianne and Maddie.
2. Laying out by the Staley Pond....in April.
Flip flops all year 'round. Tank tops in december
3. Christmas lights in JC
a ghetto has never looked so glorious
4. Leaving the bar to pee in my trailer
You have never seen a double wide quite as beautiful as Brown House
5. My Juh
I miss seeing her everyday and speaking jibberish.

17 February 2008
Fighting The Irish
The most striking element of todays men's basketball game v. notre dame wasn't our sixth straight loss in the regular season. It wasn't the way the final thirty seconds looked like a 6th grade girls CYO scrimmage. It was the sheer number of Notre Dame fans - reminisent of both the Villanova and North Carolina games. But, who could blame Rutgers fans? We do occasionally like to watch teams that win.
With that, I leave you will the .02 seconds heard 'round the world
Women at Tenn. last week
With that, I leave you will the .02 seconds heard 'round the world
Women at Tenn. last week
15 February 2008
Post Valentine's Day Aftermath
Generally, I'm of the "valentine's day is for suckers" variety. This was, of course, before Erin Leigh Winterbottom. Erin just so happens to share her day of birth with that, my least favorite of holidays. So for once, I didn't have a lameass loser-y date with some schmo who probably won't make it to the next major holiday. And so, to you Erin, I dedicate this - my first blog.


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