I stumbled upon the following at
LifeofJustin.com and thought it appropriate because, well, they're questions worth answering, and any little exercise requiring me to focus of the future can't be that bad with graduation pending.
1.) If you could do anything you want to tomorrow, what would it be?
Wake up early and drive down the shore, solo. Ideally, it'd also be 80 degrees out.
2.) What are your core values?
Loyalty, to a fault. I'm also a huge fan of honesty, sincerity, and justice - the social kind.
3.) What are your special talents?
I can talk to anyone and have a knack for making people feel comfortable. I'm also motherly far beyond my years.
4.) What do you do better than most people you know?
I pride myself on my work ethic, which I feel like sets me apart from most everyone my age - that I happen to know, anyway.
5.) What were your dreams as a child?
I always wanted to be just like my dad when I was a little girl - however since I wasn't blessed with any math or science skills whatsoever Aerospace engineer was out.
6.) What is the thing you are most proud of accomplishing in your life so far?
Two parter. I'm proud that I left Elon. Not because of Elon itself - it was fine. But because up until that point in my life it was so unlike me to rock the boat. But leaving was the best choice for me and absolutely made me who I am today. Going abroad to Italy is the other obvious choice, I'd say moving to a foreign country not knowing anybody is worthy of pride.
7.) What will you regret not doing in your life if you continue as you are now?
Staying in the Jerz forever. I fully intend to be back here someday, i love it. But if i don't get a chance to really see america (i've seen plenty of europe, thanks), i'll feel like i'm missing out for sure.
8.) What do you want people to say about you after you are no longer living? What is your legacy?
I want to leave behind great hair! No, great memories, a full passport and about a dozen phds. I want to know a little bit about everything, and I don't even feel bad about it. I've always wanted people to play Norman Greenbaum's Spirit In The Sky at my funeral, for obvious reasons.
9.) What do you want to do when you retire?
Hopefully I'll have traveled everywhere I want to go. I long to buy a boat and run charters out of south Florida.
10.) Outside of parents who influenced your life more than anyone else; who had an impact on your life and what was it about that person that meant something to you?
My sister. Not is she brilliant and beautiful but she knows exactly who she is and what she wants out of life. We should all be so lucky.
Okay so now that I've sufficiently spilled my guts - you should do the same.
Blogs to come:
- Megan's "OH CRAP IM DONE GRAD SCHOOL" Party Pics
- The Bravery in Allentown, why Casey and I travel outside of NJ - I'll never know
- So long Forth Year, bring on the Fifth.